Many people are under the impression that non-surgical aesthetic treatments are perfectly safe no matter who performs the procedure. Particularly with laser technology, this is simply not true. To achieve the best results in the safest environment possible, you should rely on a highly trained and experienced physician like Dr. Eugenie Brunner to provide laser therapy.
Fraxel® laser treatment, including Fraxel® re:pair and Fraxel® DUAL 1550/1927, offers a wide range of benefits, from reduced signs of aging to less visible acne scars. That said, it’s important to understand that this technique can be damaging to skin when in the wrong hands. Furthermore, some lasers are better suited to certain skin tones and types than others. A qualified physician can determine which method offers you the optimal outcome for your anatomic characteristics and cosmetic goals. Someone with less training and skill may unintentionally treat you with the wrong laser or power level and leave permanent marks.
Laser therapy can be an excellent way to improve mild to moderate cosmetic skin issues, and this technique is far less invasive than a surgical procedure. Still, your health and safety should come first. We can provide you with additional information about Fraxel® if you contact our medical team. We’re happy to help.