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Before Treatment

One week prior to any injection treatment (or two weeks prior to surgery), please stop the following medications:

  • Aspirin and all aspirin containing products including Asacol, Alka-Seltzer, Excedrin, Pepto-Bismol.
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) and ibuprofen containing products including Motrin or Advil Cold and Sinus
  • Aleve (Naprosyn) and all other NSAIDS. Please ask Dr. Brunner about any arthritis medications that you may be taking.
  • Please stop all herbal supplements and vitamins including the following: Vitamin E, Fish oil (including Omega 3, and all Prescription Fish oil supplements), Glucosamine/Chondroitin, Ginseng, Gingko biloba, FlaxSeed Oil, FeverFew, Ginger Supplements, Garlic Supplements, Tumeric, Curcumin, Skin Hair Nail vitamins, Eye Vitamins (Ocuvite, AREDS), Multivitamins.2. One or two days before injection treatment (or surgery) start taking Arnica montana pills. Arnica montana pills can be found in the herbal section of the pharmacy. Follow the directions of your particular brand (eg. 3 pills under the tongue 3 times a day). Continue taking Arnica pills after your procedure/injection treatment until bruising is gone.

One or two days before injection treatment (or surgery) start taking Arnica montana pills. Arnica montana pills can be found in the herbal section of the pharmacy. Follow the directions of your particular brand (eg. 3 pills under the tongue 3 times a day). Continue taking Arnica pills after your procedure/injection treatment until bruising is gone.

Medications that are okay to take: Tylenol, Calcium supplements, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Hormone replacement therapy, Blood pressure medications, allergy medications (Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin), Sudafed.


Day of Treatment

  1. Do not exercise for 12 hours after your treatment (you may exercise before).
  2. Keep your head elevated. Do not do any activities that require your head to be in a downward position (gardening/cleaning) for 12 hours.
  3. Do not do any activities that would increase the blood pressure to your face (aerobic exercise, lifting, bending, straining). These activities may worsen bruising.
  4. Use cold compresses or cold gel packs on the treated areas: 15 minutes on- 30 minutes off.
  5. Sleep with your head elevated on two to three pillows (35 – 40 degree elevation).
  6. Do not rub or massage the area of injection for 12 hours after treatment (especially after Botox).
  7. Continue Arnica montana pills.

Treatment of Bruising


Days 1-4 After Your Treatment

  1. Keep your head elevated as much as possible.
  2. Limit aerobic activities and activities requiring your head in a downward position.
  3. Continue cold compresses and cold gel packs to the bruised areas.
  4. Continue taking Arnica montana pills until the bruising is gone.
  5. Apply Arnica Cream twice a day to the bruised areas.
  6. Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) or any blood thinning medications (aslisted above) until bruising is gone.

After 5 Days

  1. Start Warm compresses to the bruised areas: 15 minutes on – 30 minutes off. This can be continued until all bruising is gone. Warmth helps to dissolve the bruising
  2. Continue Arnica montana pills until bruising has resolved.
  3. Continue applying Arnica Cream twice a day until bruising has resolved.

For a downloadable guide on how to prevent and treat bruising, click here

For more guides and information, visit our patient help page here