Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Why Should I Choose Laser Hair Removal Over At-Home Treatments? - Eugenie Brunner, M.D., F.A.C.S

Removing facial and body hair has never been more complicated. You can choose from razors, lotions, waxing, epilation, and lasers, but which one is best? Each method has benefits and drawbacks, and the right one for you will depend on several factors. Many people assume that shaving is the cheapest approach, and it can be—for a while. But years of buying blades, shaving cream, and Band-Aids for nicks, and the dollar signs can start to add up. While laser hair removal may be a larger investment initially, the long-lasting results may mean an end to one time-consuming and ultimately costly shower routine.

Lotions and waxing are similar, although they are arguably even more expensive than the good old-fashioned razor blade. Both require significant time commitments and a fairly steady monthly cost. Laser hair removal can be completed on virtually any area of the face or body, modifications can be made for virtually every skin tone and type, and most patients can achieve their goals in about three to eight sessions. Permanent reduction of hair growth means having the freedom to wear a tank top, dress, or skirt any time the feeling strikes. It can mean decreasing the length of your morning routine and still looking polished at work.

You have your reasons for wanting smooth skin, we have options to help you attain it. Talk to us today to learn more.