You may have heard people say facelift surgery can “turn back the clock.” This idiom is a fairly apt metaphor because, while you can reverse many signs of aging, time continues to move forward. As a result, the effects will eventually soften without additional treatment. At our practice, Dr. Eugenie Brunner utilizes some of the most advanced techniques available to ensure a lasting outcome, but our experienced facial plastic surgeon emphasizes that every patient’s experience will be unique. Factors like genetics, sun exposure, weight gain and loss, and smoking can impact the duration of benefits.
Generally speaking, a facelift should last many years. Numerous patients have enjoyed the rejuvenating effects of a facelift for 10-15 years or more. Additionally, incorporating occasional non-surgical therapies, such as cosmetic injectables and laser skin resurfacing, into the long-term treatment plan can help maintain a youthful look for longer. The right approach for you may involve one or more techniques, and you can rest assured that we will customize your treatment plan to best suit your needs and desired outcome.