As the first part of us the whole world sees, our face says a lot about us. It communicates our age, our health and our disposition. It’s no surprise then, that we want our face to look its very best — to send the right message.
So what happens when the natural effects of aging begin to occur, causing unwanted facial lines, wrinkles, and other concerns? Fortunately, Dr. Brunner, located in Princeton, NJ offers a host of solutions, allowing men and women to achieve a fresh, more youthful appearance. Let’s take a look at some of the top cosmetic procedures that Dr. Brunner offers for putting your “best face forward.”
Today’s Top Cosmetic Facial Procedures
- Facelift: For those struggling with sagging, loose skin or deep facial creases, facelift surgery is often the best option. By tightening underlying muscles and redraping the skin around the neck and face, facelift surgery can shave years off a patient’s appearance.
- Mini Facelift: For patients in their 40s and 50s — particularly those without a severe amount of excess skin around the neck and jaw line — a mini facelift is often a better option. Combating the telltale signs of premature aging, mini facelifts are less invasive than traditional facelift surgery and tend to result in less post-surgical scarring.
- Blepharoplasty: For those living with “tired,” sagging eyelids, eyelid lift surgery is often the best option. Professionally known as “blepharoplasty,” an eyelid lift involves removing excess fat, skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. The result is a fresher, more youthful appearance.
- SmartLipo Triplex: A safe, effective alternative to traditional liposuction, SmartLipo Triplex uses laser energy to help liquefy and remove troublesome fat. Offering the added benefit of skin tightening, this cutting-edge procedure is particularly well-suited for reducing the appearance of a double chin and recontouring the neck.
- Brow Lift: As we age, our forehead can droop and become creased, giving us a permanently troubled or worried expression. Brow lift surgery works to correct this by removing or altering muscle and tissue near the eyebrows. The procedure is fully-customized to each patient’s unique medical needs and cosmetic goals, and the procedure is often performed as an adjunct to eyelid lift surgery.
To learn more about plastic surgery procedures, visit
Facial Plastic Surgeon in Princeton, NJ
To learn more about these or any of the cosmetic treatments we offer, we encourage you to contact Dr. Brunner today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Our offices are located in Princeton, and you can reach us directly at (609) 921-9497. We look forward to meeting you!